
Add News to Website

Add up to date news articles to your website

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 It is almost rare to find a company that will pay you by the impression, if you do find such a company they would pay you only if they could add a pop up to your website or any other annoying ads that would lower your traffic rank or get your site banned.
 So where can you find such a website that will pay you for every thousand visitor to your website? It is frustrating finding the right eCPM (cost per thousand) for your company or home business. News articles are the most effective bit of information you could put on a website, everyone reads the news or either watch it. Adding an article fits into any website theme and it will keep your visitors coming back to your page. How much would you get paid? for every text article it is $1 per thousand, for every image it is $1 per thousand, and for every video it is $3 per thousand. This is the highest paying program on the internet there is no cost to join you just add the articles and get paid.
 How do you get started? add these articles to your website on the top right corner you will see an embed button click there and your all set just follow the instructions copy the html and add it to your website.